The chakras are energy centers along the vertical body, and putting your attention on that location for a while activates the behaviors that that part of the body is known for. Usually there are seven chakras, from the tip of the tailbone to the top of the head, but including the ground (Zeroth Chakra), two above the head (Eighth and Ninth Chakras) and the whole body (Tenth Chakra) makes the set more complete.
The Tenth Chakra is the whole body, activating everything at once.
The Ninth Chakra takes you out of yourself, and pulls you up like a puppet to dance on the world stage.
The Eighth Chakra makes your experience complete just as it is right now.
The Seventh Chakra wants to understand everything, ultimately for the purposes of comfort and survival.
The Sixth Chakra likes to see beauty and feel beautiful.
The Fifth Chakra tries hard to explain everything clearly without stopping.
The Fourth Chakra wants to feel deeply and search for its match, mate, or complement, but paradoxically, this is only itself!
The Third Chakra makes the body powerful, strong, and have stamina.
The Second Chakra feels sensual and makes everything flow.
The First Chakra makes your body survive.
The Zeroth Chakra is for grounding and transportation.